Relationships, Spiritual Growth, and Service

Welcome to our Women’s Ministry at Faith Church. We are so glad you are here! Do you enjoy getting to know other women? Serving our community or the world? Learning about spiritual transformation through God’s Word? Then you are in the right place!

We have Quarterly Gatherings in place for 2023. As we approach each date, information and opportunities to help will be communicated.

2023 Outline

  1. Mini Retreat - March 25, 1 - 4:30 pm at Faith Church, exploring spiritual disciplines and how God changes lives.

  2. Social Saturday - June 17 – Summer gathering at a local home - Fun, food and friends!

  3. Retreat - Oct (place and date TBD) learning and fellowship, food and fun.

  4. Social Saturday - Dec 9, 10 am - 1 pm - Christmas Coffee and brunch at a local home - Celebrate Christ’s birth with our Faith Women.